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SAMA Completely Revamped their Enterprise Sales Process with HuboExperts

With HuboExperts’s marketing and sales solutions, SAMA modernized their entire business-to-business sales strategy. Now, they focus on the most qualified leads and deliver a seamless customer experience.

About SAMA

Sama connects your employees to the best professional coach for them. Their powerful digital platform and proprietary algorithm matches people to the right coach - based on their professional development needs and personal profile.

about sama | huboexperts

Client Objectives

SAMA had identified several key areas within their HubSpot CRM that required enhancements and customization to streamline their sales and marketing processes. The main goals were to improve contact management, optimize reporting, enhance the deal management process, integrate the website, and address spam bookings via HubSpot meetings.

Solutions Provided by HuboExperts

The story behind the successful solutions by HuboExperts for SAMA.

Major Challenges with SaaS and Learning & Development

SAMA was facing challenges while working with SaaS, Learning & Development. HuboExperts used it expertise to work on:

•    Customization and Flexibility
•    Integration with Existing Systems
•    Data Security and Privacy Concerns
•    User Adoption and Engagement
•    Cost Management
•    Content Quality and Relevance
•    Skill Gap Analysis and Alignment
•    User Experience and Learning Effectiveness

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Contact Management Challenges

Before implementing custom contact merging and sorting functionalities within HubSpot CRM, SAMA encountered challenges related to managing a large contact database. These challenges included difficulties in identifying and dealing with duplicate contacts, resulting in inefficiencies and inaccuracies in their customer data. HuboExperts did all the integrations in HubSpot which resulted in enhanced contact organization and management, reducing redundancies and improving data accuracy. With the implementation of these custom functionalities, SAMA was able to streamline their contact management processes, ensuring that their database remained clean and up-to-date. This enabled them to better engage with their customers and prospects, leading to improved relationships and increased sales opportunities.

Efficient Reporting Process

Prior to optimizing reporting capabilities in HubSpot CRM, SAMA struggled with generating and customizing reports that met their specific needs. This led to time-consuming manual processes and less effective reporting, making it difficult for the organization to derive valuable insights for strategic decision-making. The integration done by HuboExperts provided SAMA the access to tailored reports for better insights and strategic decision-making. With the improved reporting capabilities, SAMA could easily analyse their sales and marketing performance, identify trends, and make informed decisions to drive business growth. This streamlined reporting process saved valuable time and resources, allowing SAMA to focus more on executing their strategies and achieving their goals.

Time-Consuming Board Pack Creation

SAMA faced challenges in creating board packs efficiently. The absence of a customized feature for this purpose resulted in a time-consuming process, delaying the preparation and distribution of critical business information to the board. However, with the assistance of HuboExperts, SAMA was able to implement a tailored solution within HubSpot CRM for creating board packs. This automated the process, significantly reducing the time and effort required to compile and distribute board materials. As a result, SAMA could ensure that board members received timely and accurate information, facilitating better decision-making and governance within the organization.

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Contract Data Management Issues

Before updating contract fields in HubSpot CRM, SAMA grappled with outdated or incomplete contract data. This hampered contract management processes, leading to potential errors, delays, or difficulties in tracking contract-related information accurately. By working with HuboExperts to customize contract data management within HubSpot CRM, SAMA was able to address these issues effectively. They implemented a structured approach to updating and managing contract data, ensuring that all information was accurate, up-to-date, and easily accessible. This streamlined contract management processes, improving efficiency and reducing the risk of errors or oversights in contract-related activities.

Sales Pipeline Visibility and Management

The lack of a tailored deal card system which is available in HubSpot CRM posed challenges in visualizing and managing the sales pipeline effectively for SAMA. This resulted in a lack of clarity regarding deal progress and customer stages, potentially affecting sales strategy and performance. However, with the support of HuboExperts, SAMA was able to customize deal management features within HubSpot CRM to better align with their sales processes. They implemented a structured deal card system, providing clear visibility into the sales pipeline and customer stages. This enabled SAMA to track deal progress more effectively, identify bottlenecks, and prioritize sales activities accordingly. As a result, they could optimize their sales strategy and improve overall sales performance.

Lead Capture and Management Gaps

Before streamlining website integration with HubSpot CRM, SAMA faced difficulties in capturing and effectively managing leads from their website. This led to missed opportunities, lack of timely follow-ups, and challenges with lead nurturing processes. However, with the assistance of HuboExperts, SAMA implemented customized solutions to streamline lead capture and management within HubSpot CRM. They integrated their website seamlessly with the CRM system, enabling automatic capture of leads and efficient routing to the appropriate sales or marketing teams. This improved lead visibility, enhanced follow-up processes, and facilitated better lead nurturing activities. As a result, SAMA could capitalize on more opportunities and drive greater success in their sales and marketing efforts.

Spam Booking Disruptions

The issue of spam bookings and meetings disrupted SAMA's appointment scheduling process. Frequent spam bookings caused confusion, wasted time, and potentially impacted genuine appointment scheduling. To address this challenge, HuboExperts worked with SAMA to implement measures within HubSpot CRM to mitigate spam booking disruptions. They introduced validation checks and verification processes to ensure that only legitimate bookings were accepted. Additionally, they implemented filtering mechanisms to identify and flag potential spam bookings for review. These measures helped SAMA to minimize disruptions, improve scheduling efficiency, and ensure that genuine appointments were prioritized and managed effectively.

Results and Benefits

The solutions provided by HuboExperts significantly improved SAMA's efficiency and productivity in managing contacts, reporting, deal management, and website integration. The customizations enhanced the overall CRM experience, empowering SAMA to make data-driven decisions and streamline their sales and marketing processes effectively. With cleaner contact data, streamlined reporting, automated board pack creation, improved contract management, enhanced sales pipeline visibility, streamlined lead capture and management, and mitigation of spam booking disruptions, SAMA experienced numerous benefits. These included increased operational efficiency, better decision-making, improved customer relationships, and ultimately, enhanced business performance and growth.

SAMA experienced the following benefits from the collaboration with HuboExperts:

  • Streamlined board pack creation, improving communication and presentation of critical business data.
  • Updated contract fields ensuring accurate and complete contract management.
  • A clearer visualization of customer stages and statuses in deals, aiding in effective sales pipeline management.
  • Seamless website integration for enhanced lead capture and management.
  • Significant reduction in spam bookings, ensuring a more reliable appointment scheduling process.
  • Improved deal record overview for better monitoring and decision-making in deal management.

Are you looking to grow your business or outsource your HubSpot CRM management?

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